
Vision & Mission

To be the most preferred & trusted provider in 100% natural eco friendly latex foam mattresses, pillows & cushions in the world with quality, originality & competitive pricing combined together to offer all our valued customers & loved ones

The team NLFL’s all strategies will be on line with our Vision.
We, “TEAM NLFL” will fully focus on making our vision a reality.


The Different Types Of Latex

There are three different types which are used to populate a mattresses inner core. On the outset each type has similar characteristics such as the springy feel and firmness, but differ greatly in price, overall quality and longevity:

Natural (Organic)

The organic latex mattress is basically made of processed tree sap, or serum, which is a sticky milky fluid found in the rubber tree. It is collected by a process called “tapping” which means incisions are made into the bark of the tree, the fluid then flows out and is collected ready to be refined using a chosen processing method. It is rare to find a 100% natural latex mattress for sale in retail outlets and showrooms because they are relatively expensive compared to other types due to the cost involved in extraction and manufacturing. If you’re after a natural latex mattress the ideal place to look is online as there will be much more choice and at much cheaper prices.



Natural rubber was discovered when Columbus visited Haitai in 1495-1496. In 1876 seeds germinated by Hendry Wickham at Kew Gardens were sent to Sri Lanka. The process of Latex foam manufacturing was first invented by Dunlop Rubber in 1926 using SSF (Sodium Sillcoflouride) process.

Sri Lanka whilst being a pioneer in Rubber cultivation is proud indeed to be the first country to celebrate 100 years of Research & Development on Natural Rubber. This is truly a remarkable achievement.

Today, 95% of the total global rubber production is accounted by Asian countries.